Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
egt::v1 Namespace Reference

EGT API Version 1 inline namespace. More...


namespace  detail
 Internal detail namespace.
namespace  experimental
 Experimental namespace.


class  AlignFlag
class  AlignFlags
 Alignment flags. More...
class  AnalogMeter
 This is a level meter that can be used to display integer values. More...
class  AnalogMeterF
 This is a level meter that can be used to display floating values. More...
class  AnalogMeterType
 Displays an analog meter based on a percentage value. More...
class  Animation
 Animation class with configurable easing function. More...
class  AnimationDelay
 Simple delay, useful to insert a delay in an AnimationSequence. More...
class  AnimationSequence
 Series of animations as a single animation. More...
class  Application
 Application definition. More...
class  ArcType
 An Arc consists of a radius and two angles. More...
class  AudioPlayer
 Audio player. More...
class  AutoAnimation
 Animation object with built in timer. More...
class  BarChart
 Vertical BarChart Widget is used for displaying a set of categorical data. More...
class  BitField
class  BitFields
class  BoxSizer
 Positions and sizes widgets by Orientation. More...
class  Button
 Basic button control. More...
class  ButtonGroup
 Button group. More...
class  CameraCapture
 Capture a camera video feed directly to an output file. More...
class  CameraWindow
 A CameraWindow is a widget to capture image feed from the camera sensor and render it on screen using gstreamer media framework. More...
class  Canvas
 Manages a unique drawing surface and context. More...
class  ChartBase
 Abstract base chart class. More...
class  ChartItemArray
class  CheckBox
 Boolean checkbox. More...
class  CheckButton
 Same as a normal Button, except it manipulates its checked state like a RadioBox or CheckBox. More...
class  CircleType
 A basic circle with a center point and radius. More...
class  CircleWidget
 Basic Circle Widget. More...
class  CoconutTheme
 Coconut Theme. More...
class  Color
 32 bit RGBA color. More...
class  ComboBox
 Combo box widget. More...
class  Deserializer
class  Dialog
 A dialog is a widget that allows user to make a decision. More...
class  Drawable
 Drawable function object. More...
class  Drawer
 Manager of the Drawable for each widget type. More...
class  DrawerReset
 Keeps track of what's been changed with Drawer::draw() changes. More...
struct  easing_cubic_bezier
 Cubic Bezier equation easing function. More...
class  EllipseType
 A basic ellipse with a center and 2 radii. More...
struct  Event
 A single event that has information about the event and state for the event. More...
class  EventArg
 Base event argument class. More...
class  EventLoop
 Event loop interface. More...
class  ExpandBitField
class  FileDialog
 A FileDialog is a widget that allows user to: More...
class  FileOpenDialog
 A FileOpenDialog is a widget which inherits from FileDialog and that allows user to: More...
class  FileSaveDialog
 A FileSaveDialog is a widget which inherits from FileDialog and that allows user to: More...
class  FixedVector
 constexpr vector that tries to behave like, or have an API like, std::vector. More...
class  Flags
 Utility class for managing a set of flags with the ability to observe changes to the flags. More...
class  FlagsBase
 Utility class for managing a set of flags. More...
class  FlexBoxSizer
 FlexBoxSizer helper variation of BoxSizer. More...
class  Font
 Manages a font and properties of a font. More...
class  Frame
 A Frame is a Widget that has children widgets. More...
class  HExpandBitField
class  HorizontalBarChart
 Horizontal BarChart Widget is used for displaying a set of categorical data. More...
class  HorizontalBitField
class  HorizontalBoxSizer
 HorizontalBoxSizer helper variation of BoxSizer. More...
class  HVBitField
class  Image
 Raster image resource used for drawing or displaying. More...
class  ImageGroup
class  ImageHolder
class  Input
 Base Input device class. More...
struct  Key
 Keyboard event data. More...
class  Label
 A Label that displays text. More...
class  LapisTheme
 Lapis Theme. More...
class  LevelMeter
 This is a level meter that can be used to display integer values. More...
class  LevelMeterF
 This is a level meter that can be used to display floating values. More...
class  LevelMeterType
 Displays a level meter based on a value. More...
class  LineChart
 LineChart Widget is used for displaying information as a series of data points. More...
class  LineType
 A line, with a starting and ending point. More...
class  LineWidget
 Basic Line Widget. More...
class  ListBox
 ListBox that manages a selectable list of widgets. More...
class  MidnightTheme
 Midnight Theme. More...
class  Notebook
 Allows a collection of NotebookTab widgets to be shown one at a time. More...
class  NotebookTab
 A single layer of a Notebook. More...
class  Object
 Base object class with fundamental properties. More...
class  OstreamWidgetSerializer
 Serialize a widget tree to an std::ostream. More...
class  Painter
 Drawing interface for 2D graphics. More...
class  Palette
 Color palette that contains a 2 dimensional array of colors. More...
class  Pattern
 A Pattern which can store one or more colors at different offsets (steps) which can be used to create complex gradients. More...
class  PeriodicTimer
 Periodic timer. More...
class  PieChart
 PieChart Widget is a circular statistical graphic, which is divided into slices to illustrate numerical proportion. More...
class  PointChart
 PointChart Widget is used for displaying information as a series of data points. More...
struct  Pointer
 Pointer event data. More...
class  PointType
 Simple x,y coordinate. More...
class  PopupType
 Popup window. More...
class  PopupVirtualKeyboard
 PopupVirtualKeyboard class. More...
class  ProgressBar
 This is a progess bar that can be used to display integer values. More...
class  ProgressBarF
 This is a progress bar that can be used to display floating values. More...
class  ProgressBarType
 Displays a progress bar based on a value. More...
class  PropertyAnimatorType
 Animates a property of a widget. More...
class  RadioBox
 Boolean RadioBox. More...
class  RangeValue
 Manages a value in a range. More...
struct  Ratio
 Creates and stores a simple ratio value. More...
class  RectangleWidget
 Basic Rectangle Widget. More...
class  RectType
 A rectangle with a point and a size. More...
class  ResourceManager
 Manages EGT resource data blobs. More...
class  Screen
 Manages one of more buffers that make up a Screen. More...
class  ScrolledView
 A scrollable view. More...
class  Scrollwheel
 Scrollwheel widget. More...
class  SelectableGrid
 StaticGrid with selectable cells. More...
class  Serializer
 Abstract base serializer class. More...
class  ShamrockTheme
 Shamrock Theme. More...
class  SideBoard
 SideBoard Window for a sliding board that slides on and off the screen. More...
class  Signal
 Signal class used for defining a signal and dispatching events. More...
class  SignalW
class  SizeType
 Simple width and height. More...
class  SkyTheme
 Sky Theme. More...
class  Slider
 This is a slider that can be used to select integer value from a range. More...
struct  SliderBase
 Base class for SliderType. More...
class  SliderF
 This is a slider that can be used to select floating value from a range. More...
class  SliderType
 This is a slider that can be used to select value from a range. More...
class  SpinProgress
 This is a spinning progress meter that can be used to display integer values. More...
class  SpinProgressF
 This is a spinning progress meter that can be used to display floating values. More...
class  SpinProgressType
 Displays a spinning progress meter. More...
class  Sprite
 Widget that shows or animates sprite, or frame, strips from a single sprite sheet. More...
class  StaticGrid
 Static grid organization for widgets. More...
struct  StringItem
 List string helper. More...
class  SvgImage
 An SVG image. More...
class  Switch
class  TextBox
 Input text box. More...
class  TextRect
class  TextWidget
 A widget with text and text related properties. More...
class  Theme
 Customizable characteristics for drawing widgets. More...
class  Timer
 Basic one shot timer. More...
class  ToggleBox
 CheckBox with a boolean slider style interface. More...
class  TopWindow
 Top level Window. More...
class  UltraVioletTheme
 Ultra Violet Theme. More...
class  Uri
 A URI (Universal Resource Identifier) parser/builder that aims to be RFC 3986 compliant. More...
class  Value
 Manages a single value. More...
class  ValueRangeWidget
 Manages a value in a range. More...
class  ValueWidget
 Manages an unbounded value. More...
class  VerticalBitField
class  VerticalBoxSizer
 VerticalBoxSizer helper variation of BoxSizer. More...
class  VExpandBitField
class  VideoWindow
 A VideoWindow is a widget to decode video and render it to a screen. More...
class  VirtualKeyboard
 VirtualKeyboard class. More...
class  Widget
 Base Widget class. More...
class  Window
 A Window is a Widget that handles drawing to a Screen. More...
class  XmlWidgetSerializer
 Serialize a widget tree to an XML document. More...


using AnimationCallback = std::function< void(EasingScalar value)>
 Animation callback type.
using Arc = ArcType< DefaultDim >
 Helper type alias.
using Circle = CircleType< DefaultDim >
 Helper type alias.
using CircleF = CircleType< float >
 Helper type alias.
using DefaultDim = int
 Define the default dimension type used for geometry.
using DisplayPoint = PointType< DefaultDim, detail::Compatible::display >
 Helper type alias.
using EasingFunc = std::function< EasingScalar(EasingScalar percent)>
 Easing function type.
using EasingScalar = float
 Easing function value type.
using Ellipse = EllipseType< DefaultDim >
 Helper type alias.
using ImageButton = ImageHolder< Button, Palette::ColorId::button_bg, Palette::ColorId::border, Palette::ColorId::button_text >
 Button that also contains an Image.
using ImageLabel = ImageHolder< Label, Palette::ColorId::label_bg, Palette::ColorId::border, Palette::ColorId::label_text >
 Label that also contains an Image.
using Line = LineType< DefaultDim >
 Helper type alias.
using LineF = LineType< float >
 Helper type alias.
using Point = PointType< DefaultDim, detail::Compatible::normal >
 Helper type alias.
using PointF = PointType< float, detail::Compatible::normal >
 Helper type alias.
using Popup = PopupType< Window >
 Helper type alias.
using PropertyAnimator = PropertyAnimatorType< DefaultDim >
 Helper type alias.
using PropertyAnimatorF = PropertyAnimatorType< float >
 Helper type alias.
using Rect = RectType< DefaultDim, detail::Compatible::normal >
 Helper type alias.
using RectF = RectType< float, detail::Compatible::normal >
 Helper type alias.
using shared_cairo_pattern_t = std::shared_ptr< cairo_pattern_t >
 Shared pointer for a cairo pattern.
using shared_cairo_scaled_font_t = std::shared_ptr< cairo_scaled_font_t >
 Shared pointer for a cairo font.
using shared_cairo_surface_t = std::shared_ptr< cairo_surface_t >
 Shared pointer for a cairo surface.
using shared_cairo_t = std::shared_ptr< cairo_t >
 Shared pointer for a cairo context.
using Size = SizeType< DefaultDim, detail::Compatible::normal >
 Helper type alias.
using SizeF = SizeType< float, detail::Compatible::normal >
 Helper type alias.
using TextRects = std::list< TextRect >
using unique_cairo_pattern_t = std::unique_ptr< cairo_pattern_t, detail::cairo_pattern_t_deleter >
 Unique pointer for a cairo pattern.
using unique_cairo_surface_t = std::unique_ptr< cairo_surface_t, detail::cairo_surface_t_deleter >
 Unique pointer for a cairo surface.
using unique_cairo_t = std::unique_ptr< cairo_t, detail::cairo_t_deleter >
 Unique pointer for a cairo context.


enum class  EventId {
  none = detail::bit(0) , raw_pointer_down = detail::bit(1) , raw_pointer_up = detail::bit(2) , raw_pointer_move = detail::bit(3) ,
  pointer_click = detail::bit(4) , pointer_dblclick = detail::bit(5) , pointer_hold = detail::bit(6) , pointer_drag_start = detail::bit(7) ,
  pointer_drag = detail::bit(8) , pointer_drag_stop = detail::bit(9) , keyboard_down = detail::bit(10) , keyboard_up = detail::bit(11) ,
  keyboard_repeat = detail::bit(12)
 Event identifiers. More...
enum class  Justification : uint32_t {
  start , middle , ending , justify ,
 Generic justification of children flags. More...
enum  KeyboardCode {
  EKEY_UNKNOWN = 0 , EKEY_BACKSPACE = 0x08 , EKEY_TAB = 0x09 , EKEY_CLEAR = 0x0C ,
  EKEY_ENTER = 0x0D , EKEY_MENU = 0x12 , EKEY_PAUSE = 0x13 , EKEY_CAPSLOCK = 0x14 ,
  EKEY_SNAPSHOT = 0x15 , EKEY_ESCAPE = 0x1B , EKEY_NEXT = 0x1E , EKEY_SPACE = 0x20 ,
  EKEY_PAGEUP = 0x21 , EKEY_PAGEDOWN = 0x22 , EKEY_END = 0x23 , EKEY_HOME = 0x24 ,
  EKEY_LEFT = 0x25 , EKEY_UP = 0x26 , EKEY_RIGHT = 0x27 , EKEY_DOWN = 0x28 ,
  EKEY_SELECT = 0x29 , EKEY_PRINT = 0x2A , EKEY_INSERT = 0x2D , EKEY_DELETE = 0x2E ,
  EKEY_HELP = 0x2F , EKEY_0 = 0x30 , EKEY_1 = 0x31 , EKEY_2 = 0x32 ,
  EKEY_3 = 0x33 , EKEY_4 = 0x34 , EKEY_5 = 0x35 , EKEY_6 = 0x36 ,
  EKEY_7 = 0x37 , EKEY_8 = 0x38 , EKEY_9 = 0x39 , EKEY_A = 0x41 ,
  EKEY_B = 0x42 , EKEY_C = 0x43 , EKEY_D = 0x44 , EKEY_E = 0x45 ,
  EKEY_F = 0x46 , EKEY_G = 0x47 , EKEY_H = 0x48 , EKEY_I = 0x49 ,
  EKEY_J = 0x4A , EKEY_K = 0x4B , EKEY_L = 0x4C , EKEY_M = 0x4D ,
  EKEY_N = 0x4E , EKEY_O = 0x4F , EKEY_P = 0x50 , EKEY_Q = 0x51 ,
  EKEY_R = 0x52 , EKEY_S = 0x53 , EKEY_T = 0x54 , EKEY_U = 0x55 ,
  EKEY_V = 0x56 , EKEY_W = 0x57 , EKEY_X = 0x58 , EKEY_Y = 0x59 ,
  EKEY_Z = 0x5A , EKEY_SLEEP = 0x5F , EKEY_NUMPAD0 = 0x60 , EKEY_NUMPAD1 = 0x61 ,
  EKEY_NUMPAD2 = 0x62 , EKEY_NUMPAD3 = 0x63 , EKEY_NUMPAD4 = 0x64 , EKEY_NUMPAD5 = 0x65 ,
  EKEY_NUMPAD6 = 0x66 , EKEY_NUMPAD7 = 0x67 , EKEY_NUMPAD8 = 0x68 , EKEY_NUMPAD9 = 0x69 ,
  EKEY_DECIMAL = 0x6E , EKEY_DIVIDE = 0x6F , EKEY_F1 = 0x70 , EKEY_F2 = 0x71 ,
  EKEY_F3 = 0x72 , EKEY_F4 = 0x73 , EKEY_F5 = 0x74 , EKEY_F6 = 0x75 ,
  EKEY_F7 = 0x76 , EKEY_F8 = 0x77 , EKEY_F9 = 0x78 , EKEY_F10 = 0x79 ,
  EKEY_F11 = 0x7A , EKEY_F12 = 0x7B , EKEY_F13 = 0x7C , EKEY_F14 = 0x7D ,
  EKEY_F15 = 0x7E , EKEY_F16 = 0x7F , EKEY_F17 = 0x80 , EKEY_F18 = 0x81 ,
  EKEY_F19 = 0x82 , EKEY_F20 = 0x83 , EKEY_F21 = 0x84 , EKEY_F22 = 0x85 ,
  EKEY_F23 = 0x86 , EKEY_F24 = 0x87 , EKEY_NUMLOCK = 0x90 , EKEY_SCROLL = 0x91 ,
  EKEY_WLAN = 0x97 , EKEY_POWER = 0x98 , EKEY_COMPOSE = 0xE6 , EKEY_USER1 = 0x104
 Key codes that represent a physical key. More...
enum class  Orientation : uint32_t { horizontal , vertical , flex , none }
 Generic orientation flags. More...
enum class  PixelFormat {
  invalid , rgb565 , argb8888 , xrgb8888 ,
  yuyv , nv21 , yuv420 , yvyu ,
  nv61 , yuy2 , uyvy
 Supported pixel formats. More...
enum class  ProgressBarStyle { left_to_right = 0 , right_to_left , top_to_bottom , bottom_to_top }
 ProgressBar Style. More...
enum class  WindowHint : uint32_t {
  automatic , software , overlay , heo_overlay ,
 Hint used for configuring Window backends. More...


EGT_API void add_search_path (const std::string &path)
 Add a search path for files.
template<class T >
const std::shared_ptr< T > & align (const std::shared_ptr< T > &widget, const AlignFlags &a)
 Helper to set alignment of a widget.
template<class T >
std::shared_ptr< T > & align (std::shared_ptr< T > &widget, const AlignFlags &a)
 Helper to set alignment of a widget.
template<class T >
T & align (T &widget, const AlignFlags &a)
 Helper to set alignment of a widget.
template<class T >
const std::shared_ptr< T > & bottom (const std::shared_ptr< T > &widget)
 Helper to set alignment of a widget.
template<class T >
std::shared_ptr< T > & bottom (std::shared_ptr< T > &widget)
 Helper to set alignment of a widget.
template<class T >
T & bottom (T &widget)
 Helper to set alignment of a widget.
template<class T >
const std::shared_ptr< T > & center (const std::shared_ptr< T > &widget)
 Helper to set alignment of a widget.
template<class T >
std::shared_ptr< T > & center (std::shared_ptr< T > &widget)
 Helper to set alignment of a widget.
template<class T >
T & center (T &widget)
 Helper to set alignment of a widget.
EGT_API void clear_search_paths ()
 Clear all search paths for files.
EGT_API EasingScalar easing_boing (EasingScalar p)
EGT_API EasingScalar easing_bounce (EasingScalar p)
EGT_API EasingScalar easing_bouncy (EasingScalar p)
EGT_API EasingScalar easing_circular_easein (EasingScalar p)
EGT_API EasingScalar easing_circular_easeinout (EasingScalar p)
EGT_API EasingScalar easing_circular_easeout (EasingScalar p)
EGT_API EasingScalar easing_cubic_easein (EasingScalar p)
EGT_API EasingScalar easing_cubic_easeinout (EasingScalar p)
EGT_API EasingScalar easing_cubic_easeout (EasingScalar p)
EGT_API EasingScalar easing_drop (EasingScalar p)
EGT_API EasingScalar easing_drop_slow (EasingScalar p)
EGT_API EasingScalar easing_easy (EasingScalar p)
EGT_API EasingScalar easing_easy_slow (EasingScalar p)
EGT_API EasingScalar easing_exponential_easein (EasingScalar p)
EGT_API EasingScalar easing_exponential_easeinout (EasingScalar p)
EGT_API EasingScalar easing_exponential_easeout (EasingScalar p)
EGT_API EasingScalar easing_extend (EasingScalar p)
EGT_API EasingScalar easing_linear (EasingScalar p)
EGT_API EasingScalar easing_quadratic_easein (EasingScalar p)
EGT_API EasingScalar easing_quadratic_easeinout (EasingScalar p)
EGT_API EasingScalar easing_quadratic_easeout (EasingScalar p)
EGT_API EasingScalar easing_quartic_easein (EasingScalar p)
EGT_API EasingScalar easing_quartic_easeinout (EasingScalar p)
EGT_API EasingScalar easing_quartic_easeout (EasingScalar p)
EGT_API EasingScalar easing_quintic_easein (EasingScalar p)
EGT_API EasingScalar easing_quintic_easeinout (EasingScalar p)
EGT_API EasingScalar easing_quintic_easeout (EasingScalar p)
EGT_API EasingScalar easing_rubber (EasingScalar p)
EGT_API EasingScalar easing_sine_easein (EasingScalar p)
EGT_API EasingScalar easing_sine_easeinout (EasingScalar p)
EGT_API EasingScalar easing_sine_easeout (EasingScalar p)
EGT_API EasingScalar easing_snap (EasingScalar p)
EGT_API EasingScalar easing_spring (EasingScalar p)
EGT_API std::string egt_git_version ()
 Get the git version of the EGT library.
EGT_API std::string egt_version ()
 Get the version of the EGT library.
template<class T >
const std::shared_ptr< T > & expand (const std::shared_ptr< T > &widget)
 Helper to set alignment of a widget.
template<class T >
std::shared_ptr< T > & expand (std::shared_ptr< T > &widget)
 Helper to set alignment of a widget.
template<class T >
T & expand (T &widget)
 Helper to set alignment of a widget.
template<class T >
const std::shared_ptr< T > & expand_horizontal (const std::shared_ptr< T > &widget)
 Helper to set alignment of a widget.
template<class T >
std::shared_ptr< T > & expand_horizontal (std::shared_ptr< T > &widget)
 Helper to set alignment of a widget.
template<class T >
T & expand_horizontal (T &widget)
 Helper to set alignment of a widget.
template<class T >
const std::shared_ptr< T > & expand_vertical (const std::shared_ptr< T > &widget)
 Helper to set alignment of a widget.
template<class T >
std::shared_ptr< T > & expand_vertical (std::shared_ptr< T > &widget)
 Helper to set alignment of a widget.
template<class T >
T & expand_vertical (T &widget)
 Helper to set alignment of a widget.
std::list< AlignFlagget (const BitFields< AlignFlag > &fields)
template<class T >
std::list< T > get (const BitFields< T > &fields)
EGT_API const Fontglobal_font ()
 Get the global Font.
EGT_API void global_font (std::unique_ptr< Font > &&font)
 Set the global Font.
EGT_API const Paletteglobal_palette ()
 Get the global Palette.
EGT_API void global_palette (std::unique_ptr< Palette > &&palette)
 Set the global Palette.
EGT_API Themeglobal_theme ()
 Get the global theme.
EGT_API void global_theme (std::unique_ptr< Theme > &&theme)
 Set the global theme.
template<class T >
const std::shared_ptr< T > & left (const std::shared_ptr< T > &widget)
 Helper to set alignment of a widget.
template<class T >
std::shared_ptr< T > & left (std::shared_ptr< T > &widget)
 Helper to set alignment of a widget.
template<class T >
T & left (T &widget)
 Helper to set alignment of a widget.
constexpr bool operator!= (const Color &lhs, const Color &rhs)
 Color operator.
template<class T >
constexpr bool operator!= (const Flags< T > &lhs, const Flags< T > &rhs)
 Flags operator.
bool EGT_API operator!= (const Font &lhs, const Font &rhs)
 Font operator.
template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr bool operator!= (const PointType< Dim, DimCompat > &lhs, const PointType< Dim, DimCompat > &rhs) noexcept
 PointType operator.
template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr bool operator!= (const RectType< Dim, DimCompat > &lhs, const RectType< Dim, DimCompat > &rhs) noexcept
 RectType operator.
template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr bool operator!= (const SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > &lhs, const SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > &rhs) noexcept
 SizeType operator.
template<typename T , size_t Capacity>
constexpr bool operator!= (FixedVector< T, Capacity > const &a, FixedVector< T, Capacity > const &b) noexcept
template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr PointType< Dim, DimCompat > operator* (PointType< Dim, DimCompat > lhs, const PointType< Dim, DimCompat > &rhs) noexcept
 PointType operator.
template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat, class T >
constexpr PointType< Dim, DimCompat > operator* (PointType< Dim, DimCompat > lhs, const T &rhs) noexcept
 PointType operator.
template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr RectType< Dim, DimCompat > operator* (RectType< Dim, DimCompat > lhs, const PointType< Dim, DimCompat > &rhs) noexcept
 RectType operator.
template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr RectType< Dim, DimCompat > operator* (RectType< Dim, DimCompat > lhs, const SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > &rhs) noexcept
 RectType operator.
template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > operator* (SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > lhs, const SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > &rhs) noexcept
 SizeType operator.
template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat, class T >
constexpr SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > operator* (SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > lhs, const T &rhs) noexcept
 SizeType operator.
template<class T >
constexpr Color operator* (T scalar, const Color &rhs)
 Color operator.
template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr PointType< Dim, DimCompat > operator+ (PointType< Dim, DimCompat > lhs, const PointType< Dim, DimCompat > &rhs) noexcept
 PointType operator.
template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat, class T >
constexpr PointType< Dim, DimCompat > operator+ (PointType< Dim, DimCompat > lhs, const T &rhs) noexcept
 PointType operator.
template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr RectType< Dim, DimCompat > operator+ (RectType< Dim, DimCompat > lhs, const PointType< Dim, DimCompat > &rhs) noexcept
 RectType operator.
template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr RectType< Dim, DimCompat > operator+ (RectType< Dim, DimCompat > lhs, const SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > &rhs) noexcept
 RectType operator.
template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > operator+ (SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > lhs, const SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > &rhs) noexcept
 SizeType operator.
template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat, class T >
constexpr SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > operator+ (SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > lhs, const T &rhs) noexcept
 SizeType operator.
template<class T >
constexpr Color operator+ (T scalar, const Color &rhs)
 Color operator.
template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr PointType< Dim, DimCompat > operator- (const PointType< Dim, DimCompat > &a) noexcept
 PointType operator.
template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr PointType< Dim, DimCompat > operator- (PointType< Dim, DimCompat > lhs, const PointType< Dim, DimCompat > &rhs) noexcept
 PointType operator.
template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat, class T >
constexpr PointType< Dim, DimCompat > operator- (PointType< Dim, DimCompat > lhs, const T &rhs) noexcept
 PointType operator.
template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr RectType< Dim, DimCompat > operator- (RectType< Dim, DimCompat > lhs, const PointType< Dim, DimCompat > &rhs) noexcept
 RectType operator.
template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr RectType< Dim, DimCompat > operator- (RectType< Dim, DimCompat > lhs, const SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > &rhs) noexcept
 RectType operator.
template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > operator- (SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > lhs, const SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > &rhs) noexcept
 SizeType operator.
template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat, class T >
constexpr SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > operator- (SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > lhs, const T &rhs) noexcept
 SizeType operator.
template<class T >
constexpr Color operator- (T scalar, const Color &rhs)
 Color operator.
template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr PointType< Dim, DimCompat > operator/ (PointType< Dim, DimCompat > lhs, const PointType< Dim, DimCompat > &rhs) noexcept
 PointType operator.
template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat, class T >
constexpr PointType< Dim, DimCompat > operator/ (PointType< Dim, DimCompat > lhs, const T &rhs) noexcept
 PointType operator.
template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr RectType< Dim, DimCompat > operator/ (RectType< Dim, DimCompat > lhs, const PointType< Dim, DimCompat > &rhs) noexcept
 RectType operator.
template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr RectType< Dim, DimCompat > operator/ (RectType< Dim, DimCompat > lhs, const SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > &rhs) noexcept
 RectType operator.
template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > operator/ (SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > lhs, const SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > &rhs) noexcept
 SizeType operator.
template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat, class T >
constexpr SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > operator/ (SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > lhs, const T &rhs) noexcept
 SizeType operator.
template<class T >
constexpr Color operator/ (T scalar, const Color &rhs)
 Color operator.
template<typename T , size_t Capacity>
constexpr bool operator< (FixedVector< T, Capacity > const &a, FixedVector< T, Capacity > const &b) noexcept
template<class Dim >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const CircleType< Dim > &circle)
 Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.
EGT_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Color &color)
 Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.
template<class Dim >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const EllipseType< Dim > &ellipse)
 Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.
EGT_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Event &event)
 Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.
EGT_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const EventId &event)
 Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.
template<class T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Flags< T > &flags)
 Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.
EGT_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Font &font)
EGT_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Key &key)
 Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.
template<class Dim >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const LineType< Dim > &line)
 Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.
EGT_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Palette::ColorId &color)
 Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.
EGT_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Palette::GroupId &group)
 Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.
EGT_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const PixelFormat &format)
 Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.
EGT_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Pointer &pointer)
 Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.
EGT_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Pointer::Button &btn)
 Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.
template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const PointType< Dim, DimCompat > &point)
 Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.
template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const RectType< Dim, DimCompat > &rect)
 Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.
EGT_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const SideBoard::PositionFlag &flag)
 Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.
template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > &size)
 Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.
EGT_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Widget::Flag &flag)
 Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.
EGT_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Widget::Flags &flags)
 Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.
EGT_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const WindowHint &hint)
 Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.
template<typename T , size_t Capacity>
constexpr bool operator<= (FixedVector< T, Capacity > const &a, FixedVector< T, Capacity > const &b) noexcept
constexpr bool operator== (const Color &lhs, const Color &rhs)
 Color operator.
template<class T >
constexpr bool operator== (const Flags< T > &lhs, const Flags< T > &rhs)
 Flags operator.
bool EGT_API operator== (const Font &lhs, const Font &rhs)
 Font operator.
template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr bool operator== (const PointType< Dim, DimCompat > &lhs, const PointType< Dim, DimCompat > &rhs) noexcept
 PointType operator.
template<detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr bool operator== (const PointType< float, DimCompat > &lhs, const PointType< float, DimCompat > &rhs)
 PointType operator.
template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr bool operator== (const RectType< Dim, DimCompat > &lhs, const RectType< Dim, DimCompat > &rhs) noexcept
 RectType operator.
template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr bool operator== (const SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > &lhs, const SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > &rhs) noexcept
 SizeType operator.
template<detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr bool operator== (const SizeType< float, DimCompat > &lhs, const SizeType< float, DimCompat > &rhs)
 SizeType operator.
template<typename T , size_t Capacity>
constexpr bool operator== (FixedVector< T, Capacity > const &a, FixedVector< T, Capacity > const &b) noexcept
template<typename T , size_t Capacity>
constexpr bool operator> (FixedVector< T, Capacity > const &a, FixedVector< T, Capacity > const &b) noexcept
template<typename T , size_t Capacity>
constexpr bool operator>= (FixedVector< T, Capacity > const &a, FixedVector< T, Capacity > const &b) noexcept
constexpr AlignFlag operator| (const AlignFlag &lhs, const ExpandBitField &rhs)
constexpr AlignFlag operator| (const ExpandBitField &lhs, const AlignFlag &rhs)
constexpr ExpandBitField operator| (const ExpandBitField &lhs, const ExpandBitField &rhs)
constexpr HExpandBitField operator| (const ExpandBitField &lhs, const HExpandBitField &rhs)
constexpr HExpandBitField operator| (const ExpandBitField &lhs, const HorizontalBitField &rhs)
constexpr AlignFlag operator| (const ExpandBitField &lhs, const HVBitField &rhs)
constexpr VExpandBitField operator| (const ExpandBitField &lhs, const VerticalBitField &rhs)
constexpr VExpandBitField operator| (const ExpandBitField &lhs, const VExpandBitField &rhs)
constexpr HExpandBitField operator| (const HExpandBitField &lhs, const ExpandBitField &rhs)
constexpr AlignFlag operator| (const HExpandBitField &lhs, const VerticalBitField &rhs)
constexpr HExpandBitField operator| (const HorizontalBitField &lhs, const ExpandBitField &rhs)
constexpr HVBitField operator| (const HorizontalBitField &lhs, const VerticalBitField &rhs)
constexpr AlignFlag operator| (const HorizontalBitField &lhs, const VExpandBitField &rhs)
constexpr AlignFlag operator| (const HVBitField &lhs, const ExpandBitField &rhs)
constexpr VExpandBitField operator| (const VerticalBitField &lhs, const ExpandBitField &rhs)
constexpr AlignFlag operator| (const VerticalBitField &lhs, const HExpandBitField &rhs)
constexpr HVBitField operator| (const VerticalBitField &lhs, const HorizontalBitField &rhs)
constexpr VExpandBitField operator| (const VExpandBitField &lhs, const ExpandBitField &rhs)
constexpr AlignFlag operator| (const VExpandBitField &lhs, const HorizontalBitField &rhs)
Theme::BorderFlags operator| (Theme::BorderFlag lhs, Theme::BorderFlag rhs)
 BorderFlags operator.
PopupVirtualKeyboard *& popup_virtual_keyboard ()
 Get a pointer to the popup virtual keyboard.
EGT_API void reset_global_font ()
 Reset global Font.
EGT_API void reset_global_palette ()
 Reset the global Palette.
EGT_API std::string resolve_file_path (const std::string &filename)
 Given a file path, try to find it related to any added search paths.
template<class T >
const std::shared_ptr< T > & right (const std::shared_ptr< T > &widget)
 Helper to set alignment of a widget.
template<class T >
std::shared_ptr< T > & right (std::shared_ptr< T > &widget)
 Helper to set alignment of a widget.
template<class T >
T & right (T &widget)
 Helper to set alignment of a widget.
template<class T >
const std::shared_ptr< T > & top (const std::shared_ptr< T > &widget)
 Helper to set alignment of a widget.
template<class T >
std::shared_ptr< T > & top (std::shared_ptr< T > &widget)
 Helper to set alignment of a widget.
template<class T >
T & top (T &widget)
 Helper to set alignment of a widget.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysmultichoice_e ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysmultichoice_E ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysmultichoice_r ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysmultichoice_R ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysmultichoice_t ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysmultichoice_T ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysmultichoice_y ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysmultichoice_Y ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysmultichoice_u ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysmultichoice_U ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysmultichoice_i ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysmultichoice_I ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysmultichoice_o ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysmultichoice_O ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysmultichoice_a ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysmultichoice_A ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysmultichoice_s ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysmultichoice_S ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysmultichoice_d ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysmultichoice_D ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysmultichoice_g ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysmultichoice_G ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysmultichoice_k ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysmultichoice_K ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysmultichoice_l ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysmultichoice_L ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysmultichoice_z ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysmultichoice_Z ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysmultichoice_c ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysmultichoice_C ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysmultichoice_n ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysmultichoice_N ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysQwertyLettersLowerCase ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysQwertyLettersUpperCase ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysQwertySymbols1 ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.
VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeysQwertySymbols2 ()
 Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

Detailed Description

EGT API Version 1 inline namespace.

Typedef Documentation

◆ AnimationCallback

using AnimationCallback = std::function<void (EasingScalar value)>

Animation callback type.

◆ DefaultDim

using DefaultDim = int

Define the default dimension type used for geometry.

◆ EasingFunc

using EasingFunc = std::function<EasingScalar(EasingScalar percent)>

Easing function type.

◆ EasingScalar

typedef float EasingScalar

Easing function value type.

◆ Popup

Helper type alias.

◆ shared_cairo_pattern_t

using shared_cairo_pattern_t = std::shared_ptr<cairo_pattern_t>

Shared pointer for a cairo pattern.

◆ shared_cairo_scaled_font_t

using shared_cairo_scaled_font_t = std::shared_ptr<cairo_scaled_font_t>

Shared pointer for a cairo font.

◆ shared_cairo_surface_t

using shared_cairo_surface_t = std::shared_ptr<cairo_surface_t>

Shared pointer for a cairo surface.

◆ shared_cairo_t

using shared_cairo_t = std::shared_ptr<cairo_t>

Shared pointer for a cairo context.

◆ TextRects

using TextRects = std::list<TextRect>

◆ unique_cairo_pattern_t

using unique_cairo_pattern_t = std::unique_ptr<cairo_pattern_t, detail::cairo_pattern_t_deleter>

Unique pointer for a cairo pattern.

◆ unique_cairo_surface_t

using unique_cairo_surface_t = std::unique_ptr<cairo_surface_t, detail::cairo_surface_t_deleter>

Unique pointer for a cairo surface.

◆ unique_cairo_t

using unique_cairo_t = std::unique_ptr<cairo_t, detail::cairo_t_deleter>

Unique pointer for a cairo context.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ Justification

enum class Justification : uint32_t

Generic justification of children flags.


◆ KeyboardCode

Key codes that represent a physical key.


◆ Orientation

enum class Orientation : uint32_t

Generic orientation flags.


◆ PixelFormat

enum class PixelFormat

Supported pixel formats.

Not all formats are supported by all windows or backends.

Invalid color format.


16 bpp, 16-bit color


32 bpp, 24-bit color + 8-bit alpha


32 bpp, 24-bit color


Packed format with ½ horizontal chroma resolution, also known.

as YUV 4:2:2


YUV 4:2:0 planar image, with 8 bit Y samples, followed by.

interleaved V/U plane with 8bit 2x2 subsampled chroma samples


Planar format.


Packed YUY 4:2:2.


Reverse byte order of YUY2.

◆ ProgressBarStyle

enum class ProgressBarStyle

ProgressBar Style.


◆ WindowHint

enum class WindowHint : uint32_t

Hint used for configuring Window backends.


Allow automatic detection of the window type to create.


Request a software only implementation.


Request an overlay plane.


Request specifically an HEO overlay plane.


Request a cursor overlay plane.

Function Documentation

◆ add_search_path()

EGT_API void add_search_path ( const std::string &  path)

Add a search path for files.

Any actual file path used, for example when loading images, will be searched for relative to any added path here.

See also
File Paths

◆ align() [1/3]

template<class T >
const std::shared_ptr< T > & align ( const std::shared_ptr< T > &  widget,
const AlignFlags a 

Helper to set alignment of a widget.

◆ align() [2/3]

template<class T >
std::shared_ptr< T > & align ( std::shared_ptr< T > &  widget,
const AlignFlags a 

Helper to set alignment of a widget.

◆ align() [3/3]

template<class T >
T & align ( T &  widget,
const AlignFlags a 

Helper to set alignment of a widget.

◆ bottom() [1/3]

template<class T >
const std::shared_ptr< T > & bottom ( const std::shared_ptr< T > &  widget)

Helper to set alignment of a widget.

◆ bottom() [2/3]

template<class T >
std::shared_ptr< T > & bottom ( std::shared_ptr< T > &  widget)

Helper to set alignment of a widget.

◆ bottom() [3/3]

template<class T >
T & bottom ( T &  widget)

Helper to set alignment of a widget.

◆ center() [1/3]

template<class T >
const std::shared_ptr< T > & center ( const std::shared_ptr< T > &  widget)

Helper to set alignment of a widget.

◆ center() [2/3]

template<class T >
std::shared_ptr< T > & center ( std::shared_ptr< T > &  widget)

Helper to set alignment of a widget.

◆ center() [3/3]

template<class T >
T & center ( T &  widget)

Helper to set alignment of a widget.

◆ clear_search_paths()

EGT_API void clear_search_paths ( )

Clear all search paths for files.

◆ egt_git_version()

EGT_API std::string egt_git_version ( )

Get the git version of the EGT library.

◆ egt_version()

EGT_API std::string egt_version ( )

Get the version of the EGT library.

◆ expand() [1/3]

template<class T >
const std::shared_ptr< T > & expand ( const std::shared_ptr< T > &  widget)

Helper to set alignment of a widget.

◆ expand() [2/3]

template<class T >
std::shared_ptr< T > & expand ( std::shared_ptr< T > &  widget)

Helper to set alignment of a widget.

◆ expand() [3/3]

template<class T >
T & expand ( T &  widget)

Helper to set alignment of a widget.

◆ expand_horizontal() [1/3]

template<class T >
const std::shared_ptr< T > & expand_horizontal ( const std::shared_ptr< T > &  widget)

Helper to set alignment of a widget.

◆ expand_horizontal() [2/3]

template<class T >
std::shared_ptr< T > & expand_horizontal ( std::shared_ptr< T > &  widget)

Helper to set alignment of a widget.

◆ expand_horizontal() [3/3]

template<class T >
T & expand_horizontal ( T &  widget)

Helper to set alignment of a widget.

◆ expand_vertical() [1/3]

template<class T >
const std::shared_ptr< T > & expand_vertical ( const std::shared_ptr< T > &  widget)

Helper to set alignment of a widget.

◆ expand_vertical() [2/3]

template<class T >
std::shared_ptr< T > & expand_vertical ( std::shared_ptr< T > &  widget)

Helper to set alignment of a widget.

◆ expand_vertical() [3/3]

template<class T >
T & expand_vertical ( T &  widget)

Helper to set alignment of a widget.

◆ get() [1/2]

std::list< AlignFlag > get ( const BitFields< AlignFlag > &  fields)

◆ get() [2/2]

template<class T >
std::list< T > get ( const BitFields< T > &  fields)

◆ global_font() [1/2]

EGT_API const Font * global_font ( )

Get the global Font.

Reference to the global font.

◆ global_font() [2/2]

EGT_API void global_font ( std::unique_ptr< Font > &&  font)

Set the global Font.

◆ global_palette() [1/2]

EGT_API const Palette * global_palette ( )

Get the global Palette.

Reference to the current global Palette.

◆ global_palette() [2/2]

EGT_API void global_palette ( std::unique_ptr< Palette > &&  palette)

Set the global Palette.

◆ global_theme() [1/2]

EGT_API Theme & global_theme ( )

Get the global theme.

This is the point to get and modify the global theme.

Keep in mind that themes can be set on individual widgets, in which case, they are disconnected from the global theme.
Reference to the current Theme.

◆ global_theme() [2/2]

EGT_API void global_theme ( std::unique_ptr< Theme > &&  theme)

Set the global theme.

This function will call Theme::apply() on the passed in Theme.

This will destroy any pre-existing theme instance.

◆ left() [1/3]

template<class T >
const std::shared_ptr< T > & left ( const std::shared_ptr< T > &  widget)

Helper to set alignment of a widget.

◆ left() [2/3]

template<class T >
std::shared_ptr< T > & left ( std::shared_ptr< T > &  widget)

Helper to set alignment of a widget.

◆ left() [3/3]

template<class T >
T & left ( T &  widget)

Helper to set alignment of a widget.

◆ multichoice_a()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & multichoice_a ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ multichoice_A()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & multichoice_A ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ multichoice_c()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & multichoice_c ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ multichoice_C()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & multichoice_C ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ multichoice_d()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & multichoice_d ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ multichoice_D()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & multichoice_D ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ multichoice_e()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & multichoice_e ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ multichoice_E()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & multichoice_E ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ multichoice_g()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & multichoice_g ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ multichoice_G()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & multichoice_G ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ multichoice_i()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & multichoice_i ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ multichoice_I()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & multichoice_I ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ multichoice_k()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & multichoice_k ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ multichoice_K()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & multichoice_K ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ multichoice_l()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & multichoice_l ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ multichoice_L()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & multichoice_L ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ multichoice_n()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & multichoice_n ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ multichoice_N()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & multichoice_N ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ multichoice_o()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & multichoice_o ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ multichoice_O()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & multichoice_O ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ multichoice_r()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & multichoice_r ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ multichoice_R()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & multichoice_R ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ multichoice_s()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & multichoice_s ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ multichoice_S()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & multichoice_S ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ multichoice_t()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & multichoice_t ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ multichoice_T()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & multichoice_T ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ multichoice_u()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & multichoice_u ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ multichoice_U()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & multichoice_U ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ multichoice_y()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & multichoice_y ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ multichoice_Y()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & multichoice_Y ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ multichoice_z()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & multichoice_z ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ multichoice_Z()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & multichoice_Z ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ operator!=() [1/7]

constexpr bool operator!= ( const Color lhs,
const Color rhs 

Color operator.

◆ operator!=() [2/7]

template<class T >
constexpr bool operator!= ( const Flags< T > &  lhs,
const Flags< T > &  rhs 

Flags operator.

◆ operator!=() [3/7]

bool EGT_API operator!= ( const Font lhs,
const Font rhs 

Font operator.

◆ operator!=() [4/7]

template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr bool operator!= ( const PointType< Dim, DimCompat > &  lhs,
const PointType< Dim, DimCompat > &  rhs 

PointType operator.

◆ operator!=() [5/7]

template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr bool operator!= ( const RectType< Dim, DimCompat > &  lhs,
const RectType< Dim, DimCompat > &  rhs 

RectType operator.

◆ operator!=() [6/7]

template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr bool operator!= ( const SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > &  lhs,
const SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > &  rhs 

SizeType operator.

◆ operator!=() [7/7]

template<typename T , size_t Capacity>
constexpr bool operator!= ( FixedVector< T, Capacity > const &  a,
FixedVector< T, Capacity > const &  b 

◆ operator*() [1/7]

template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr PointType< Dim, DimCompat > operator* ( PointType< Dim, DimCompat >  lhs,
const PointType< Dim, DimCompat > &  rhs 

PointType operator.

◆ operator*() [2/7]

template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat, class T >
constexpr PointType< Dim, DimCompat > operator* ( PointType< Dim, DimCompat >  lhs,
const T &  rhs 

PointType operator.

◆ operator*() [3/7]

template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr RectType< Dim, DimCompat > operator* ( RectType< Dim, DimCompat >  lhs,
const PointType< Dim, DimCompat > &  rhs 

RectType operator.

◆ operator*() [4/7]

template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr RectType< Dim, DimCompat > operator* ( RectType< Dim, DimCompat >  lhs,
const SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > &  rhs 

RectType operator.

◆ operator*() [5/7]

template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > operator* ( SizeType< Dim, DimCompat >  lhs,
const SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > &  rhs 

SizeType operator.

◆ operator*() [6/7]

template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat, class T >
constexpr SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > operator* ( SizeType< Dim, DimCompat >  lhs,
const T &  rhs 

SizeType operator.

◆ operator*() [7/7]

template<class T >
constexpr Color operator* ( scalar,
const Color rhs 

Color operator.

◆ operator+() [1/7]

template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr PointType< Dim, DimCompat > operator+ ( PointType< Dim, DimCompat >  lhs,
const PointType< Dim, DimCompat > &  rhs 

PointType operator.

◆ operator+() [2/7]

template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat, class T >
constexpr PointType< Dim, DimCompat > operator+ ( PointType< Dim, DimCompat >  lhs,
const T &  rhs 

PointType operator.

◆ operator+() [3/7]

template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr RectType< Dim, DimCompat > operator+ ( RectType< Dim, DimCompat >  lhs,
const PointType< Dim, DimCompat > &  rhs 

RectType operator.

◆ operator+() [4/7]

template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr RectType< Dim, DimCompat > operator+ ( RectType< Dim, DimCompat >  lhs,
const SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > &  rhs 

RectType operator.

◆ operator+() [5/7]

template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > operator+ ( SizeType< Dim, DimCompat >  lhs,
const SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > &  rhs 

SizeType operator.

◆ operator+() [6/7]

template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat, class T >
constexpr SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > operator+ ( SizeType< Dim, DimCompat >  lhs,
const T &  rhs 

SizeType operator.

◆ operator+() [7/7]

template<class T >
constexpr Color operator+ ( scalar,
const Color rhs 

Color operator.

◆ operator-() [1/8]

template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr PointType< Dim, DimCompat > operator- ( const PointType< Dim, DimCompat > &  a)

PointType operator.

◆ operator-() [2/8]

template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr PointType< Dim, DimCompat > operator- ( PointType< Dim, DimCompat >  lhs,
const PointType< Dim, DimCompat > &  rhs 

PointType operator.

◆ operator-() [3/8]

template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat, class T >
constexpr PointType< Dim, DimCompat > operator- ( PointType< Dim, DimCompat >  lhs,
const T &  rhs 

PointType operator.

◆ operator-() [4/8]

template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr RectType< Dim, DimCompat > operator- ( RectType< Dim, DimCompat >  lhs,
const PointType< Dim, DimCompat > &  rhs 

RectType operator.

◆ operator-() [5/8]

template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr RectType< Dim, DimCompat > operator- ( RectType< Dim, DimCompat >  lhs,
const SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > &  rhs 

RectType operator.

◆ operator-() [6/8]

template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > operator- ( SizeType< Dim, DimCompat >  lhs,
const SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > &  rhs 

SizeType operator.

◆ operator-() [7/8]

template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat, class T >
constexpr SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > operator- ( SizeType< Dim, DimCompat >  lhs,
const T &  rhs 

SizeType operator.

◆ operator-() [8/8]

template<class T >
constexpr Color operator- ( scalar,
const Color rhs 

Color operator.

◆ operator/() [1/7]

template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr PointType< Dim, DimCompat > operator/ ( PointType< Dim, DimCompat >  lhs,
const PointType< Dim, DimCompat > &  rhs 

PointType operator.

◆ operator/() [2/7]

template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat, class T >
constexpr PointType< Dim, DimCompat > operator/ ( PointType< Dim, DimCompat >  lhs,
const T &  rhs 

PointType operator.

◆ operator/() [3/7]

template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr RectType< Dim, DimCompat > operator/ ( RectType< Dim, DimCompat >  lhs,
const PointType< Dim, DimCompat > &  rhs 

RectType operator.

◆ operator/() [4/7]

template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr RectType< Dim, DimCompat > operator/ ( RectType< Dim, DimCompat >  lhs,
const SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > &  rhs 

RectType operator.

◆ operator/() [5/7]

template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > operator/ ( SizeType< Dim, DimCompat >  lhs,
const SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > &  rhs 

SizeType operator.

◆ operator/() [6/7]

template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat, class T >
constexpr SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > operator/ ( SizeType< Dim, DimCompat >  lhs,
const T &  rhs 

SizeType operator.

◆ operator/() [7/7]

template<class T >
constexpr Color operator/ ( scalar,
const Color rhs 

Color operator.

◆ operator<()

template<typename T , size_t Capacity>
constexpr bool operator< ( FixedVector< T, Capacity > const &  a,
FixedVector< T, Capacity > const &  b 

◆ operator<<() [1/21]

template<class Dim >
std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const CircleType< Dim > &  circle 

Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.

◆ operator<<() [2/21]

EGT_API std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Color color 

Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.

◆ operator<<() [3/21]

template<class Dim >
std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const EllipseType< Dim > &  ellipse 

Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.

◆ operator<<() [4/21]

EGT_API std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Event event 

Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.

◆ operator<<() [5/21]

EGT_API std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const EventId event 

Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.

◆ operator<<() [6/21]

template<class T >
std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Flags< T > &  flags 

Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.

◆ operator<<() [7/21]

EGT_API std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Font font 

Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator

◆ operator<<() [8/21]

EGT_API std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Key key 

Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.

◆ operator<<() [9/21]

template<class Dim >
std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const LineType< Dim > &  line 

Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.

◆ operator<<() [10/21]

EGT_API std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Palette::ColorId color 

Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.

◆ operator<<() [11/21]

EGT_API std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Palette::GroupId group 

Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.

◆ operator<<() [12/21]

EGT_API std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const PixelFormat format 

Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.

◆ operator<<() [13/21]

EGT_API std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Pointer pointer 

Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.

◆ operator<<() [14/21]

EGT_API std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Pointer::Button btn 

Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.

◆ operator<<() [15/21]

template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const PointType< Dim, DimCompat > &  point 

Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.

◆ operator<<() [16/21]

template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const RectType< Dim, DimCompat > &  rect 

Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.

◆ operator<<() [17/21]

EGT_API std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const SideBoard::PositionFlag flag 

Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.

◆ operator<<() [18/21]

template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > &  size 

Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.

◆ operator<<() [19/21]

EGT_API std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Widget::Flag flag 

Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.

◆ operator<<() [20/21]

EGT_API std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Widget::Flags flags 

Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.

◆ operator<<() [21/21]

EGT_API std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const WindowHint hint 

Overloaded std::ostream insertion operator.

◆ operator<=()

template<typename T , size_t Capacity>
constexpr bool operator<= ( FixedVector< T, Capacity > const &  a,
FixedVector< T, Capacity > const &  b 

◆ operator==() [1/9]

constexpr bool operator== ( const Color lhs,
const Color rhs 

Color operator.

◆ operator==() [2/9]

template<class T >
constexpr bool operator== ( const Flags< T > &  lhs,
const Flags< T > &  rhs 

Flags operator.

◆ operator==() [3/9]

bool EGT_API operator== ( const Font lhs,
const Font rhs 

Font operator.

◆ operator==() [4/9]

template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr bool operator== ( const PointType< Dim, DimCompat > &  lhs,
const PointType< Dim, DimCompat > &  rhs 

PointType operator.

◆ operator==() [5/9]

template<detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr bool operator== ( const PointType< float, DimCompat > &  lhs,
const PointType< float, DimCompat > &  rhs 

PointType operator.

◆ operator==() [6/9]

template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr bool operator== ( const RectType< Dim, DimCompat > &  lhs,
const RectType< Dim, DimCompat > &  rhs 

RectType operator.

◆ operator==() [7/9]

template<class Dim , detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr bool operator== ( const SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > &  lhs,
const SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > &  rhs 

SizeType operator.

◆ operator==() [8/9]

template<detail::Compatible DimCompat>
constexpr bool operator== ( const SizeType< float, DimCompat > &  lhs,
const SizeType< float, DimCompat > &  rhs 

SizeType operator.

◆ operator==() [9/9]

template<typename T , size_t Capacity>
constexpr bool operator== ( FixedVector< T, Capacity > const &  a,
FixedVector< T, Capacity > const &  b 

◆ operator>()

template<typename T , size_t Capacity>
constexpr bool operator> ( FixedVector< T, Capacity > const &  a,
FixedVector< T, Capacity > const &  b 

◆ operator>=()

template<typename T , size_t Capacity>
constexpr bool operator>= ( FixedVector< T, Capacity > const &  a,
FixedVector< T, Capacity > const &  b 

◆ operator|() [1/20]

constexpr AlignFlag operator| ( const AlignFlag lhs,
const ExpandBitField rhs 

◆ operator|() [2/20]

constexpr AlignFlag operator| ( const ExpandBitField lhs,
const AlignFlag rhs 

◆ operator|() [3/20]

constexpr ExpandBitField operator| ( const ExpandBitField lhs,
const ExpandBitField rhs 

◆ operator|() [4/20]

constexpr HExpandBitField operator| ( const ExpandBitField lhs,
const HExpandBitField rhs 

◆ operator|() [5/20]

constexpr HExpandBitField operator| ( const ExpandBitField lhs,
const HorizontalBitField rhs 

◆ operator|() [6/20]

constexpr AlignFlag operator| ( const ExpandBitField lhs,
const HVBitField rhs 

◆ operator|() [7/20]

constexpr VExpandBitField operator| ( const ExpandBitField lhs,
const VerticalBitField rhs 

◆ operator|() [8/20]

constexpr VExpandBitField operator| ( const ExpandBitField lhs,
const VExpandBitField rhs 

◆ operator|() [9/20]

constexpr HExpandBitField operator| ( const HExpandBitField lhs,
const ExpandBitField rhs 

◆ operator|() [10/20]

constexpr AlignFlag operator| ( const HExpandBitField lhs,
const VerticalBitField rhs 

◆ operator|() [11/20]

constexpr HExpandBitField operator| ( const HorizontalBitField lhs,
const ExpandBitField rhs 

◆ operator|() [12/20]

constexpr HVBitField operator| ( const HorizontalBitField lhs,
const VerticalBitField rhs 

◆ operator|() [13/20]

constexpr AlignFlag operator| ( const HorizontalBitField lhs,
const VExpandBitField rhs 

◆ operator|() [14/20]

constexpr AlignFlag operator| ( const HVBitField lhs,
const ExpandBitField rhs 

◆ operator|() [15/20]

constexpr VExpandBitField operator| ( const VerticalBitField lhs,
const ExpandBitField rhs 

◆ operator|() [16/20]

constexpr AlignFlag operator| ( const VerticalBitField lhs,
const HExpandBitField rhs 

◆ operator|() [17/20]

constexpr HVBitField operator| ( const VerticalBitField lhs,
const HorizontalBitField rhs 

◆ operator|() [18/20]

constexpr VExpandBitField operator| ( const VExpandBitField lhs,
const ExpandBitField rhs 

◆ operator|() [19/20]

constexpr AlignFlag operator| ( const VExpandBitField lhs,
const HorizontalBitField rhs 

◆ operator|() [20/20]

Theme::BorderFlags operator| ( Theme::BorderFlag  lhs,
Theme::BorderFlag  rhs 

BorderFlags operator.

◆ popup_virtual_keyboard()

PopupVirtualKeyboard *& popup_virtual_keyboard ( )

Get a pointer to the popup virtual keyboard.

◆ QwertyLettersLowerCase()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & QwertyLettersLowerCase ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ QwertyLettersUpperCase()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & QwertyLettersUpperCase ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ QwertySymbols1()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & QwertySymbols1 ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ QwertySymbols2()

VirtualKeyboard::PanelKeys & QwertySymbols2 ( )

Default panel defined for VirtualKeyboard.

PanelKeys is static. So, it can be used only once. Otherwise, an assertion will occur as the Keys already get a parent.

◆ reset_global_font()

EGT_API void reset_global_font ( )

Reset global Font.

◆ reset_global_palette()

EGT_API void reset_global_palette ( )

Reset the global Palette.

◆ resolve_file_path()

EGT_API std::string resolve_file_path ( const std::string &  filename)

Given a file path, try to find it related to any added search paths.

The full path to the file if found, or a path to a file that doesn't exist.
See also
File Paths

◆ right() [1/3]

template<class T >
const std::shared_ptr< T > & right ( const std::shared_ptr< T > &  widget)

Helper to set alignment of a widget.

◆ right() [2/3]

template<class T >
std::shared_ptr< T > & right ( std::shared_ptr< T > &  widget)

Helper to set alignment of a widget.

◆ right() [3/3]

template<class T >
T & right ( T &  widget)

Helper to set alignment of a widget.

◆ top() [1/3]

template<class T >
const std::shared_ptr< T > & top ( const std::shared_ptr< T > &  widget)

Helper to set alignment of a widget.

◆ top() [2/3]

template<class T >
std::shared_ptr< T > & top ( std::shared_ptr< T > &  widget)

Helper to set alignment of a widget.

◆ top() [3/3]

template<class T >
T & top ( T &  widget)

Helper to set alignment of a widget.