Public Types | Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
Palette Class Reference

Color palette that contains a 2 dimensional array of colors. More...

Public Types

enum class  ColorId {
  bg = 1 , text , text_highlight , cursor ,
  border , button_bg , button_fg , button_text ,
  label_bg , label_text
 The Pattern identifier in the Palette. More...
enum class  GroupId { normal = 1 , active = 2 , disabled = 3 , checked = 4 }
 Used to define a category of patterns that usually relate to the state of a widget. More...
using PatternArray = FixedVector< std::pair< GroupId, FixedVector< std::pair< ColorId, Pattern >, 10 > >, 4 >

Public Member Functions

 Palette ()=default
constexpr Palette (std::initializer_list< PatternArray::value_type > colors) noexcept
void clear ()
 Remove all colors from the Palette. More...
void clear (ColorId id, GroupId group=GroupId::normal)
 Remove a color from the Palette. More...
EGT_NODISCARD const Patterncolor (ColorId id, GroupId group=GroupId::normal) const
 Get a color. More...
void deserialize (const std::string &name, const std::string &value, const Serializer::Attributes &attrs)
 Deserialize. More...
EGT_NODISCARD bool empty () const
 Returns true if the palette is empty. More...
EGT_NODISCARD bool exists (ColorId id, GroupId group, const Pattern **color) const
 Check if a color exists in the palette and get the color. More...
EGT_NODISCARD bool exists (ColorId id, GroupId group=GroupId::normal) const
 Check if a color exists in the palette. More...
Paletteoperator= (const PatternArray &colors)
void serialize (const std::string &name, Serializer &serializer) const
 Serialize to the specified serializer. More...
void set (ColorId id, const Pattern &color, GroupId group=GroupId::normal)
 Set a color in a Palette. More...
void set (ColorId id, GroupId group, const Pattern &color)
 Set a color in the Palette. More...

Static Public Attributes

constexpr static Color transparent = Color(0x00000000)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color aliceblue = Color::rgb(0xf0f8ff)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color antiquewhite = Color::rgb(0xfaebd7)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color aqua = Color::rgb(0x00ffff)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color aquamarine = Color::rgb(0x7fffd4)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color azure = Color::rgb(0xf0ffff)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color beige = Color::rgb(0xf5f5dc)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color bisque = Color::rgb(0xffe4c4)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color black = Color::rgb(0x000000)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color blanchedalmond = Color::rgb(0xffebcd)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color blue = Color::rgb(0x0000ff)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color blueviolet = Color::rgb(0x8a2be2)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color brown = Color::rgb(0xa52a2a)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color burlywood = Color::rgb(0xdeb887)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color cadetblue = Color::rgb(0x5f9ea0)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color chartreuse = Color::rgb(0x7fff00)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color chocolate = Color::rgb(0xd2691e)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color coral = Color::rgb(0xff7f50)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color cornflowerblue = Color::rgb(0x6495ed)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color cornsilk = Color::rgb(0xfff8dc)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color crimson = Color::rgb(0xdc143c)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color cyan = Color::rgb(0x00ffff)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color darkblue = Color::rgb(0x00008b)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color darkcyan = Color::rgb(0x008b8b)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color darkgoldenrod = Color::rgb(0xb8860b)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color darkgray = Color::rgb(0xa9a9a9)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color darkgreen = Color::rgb(0x006400)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color darkgrey = Color::rgb(0xa9a9a9)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color darkkhaki = Color::rgb(0xbdb76b)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color darkmagenta = Color::rgb(0x8b008b)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color darkolivegreen = Color::rgb(0x556b2f)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color darkorange = Color::rgb(0xff8c00)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color darkorchid = Color::rgb(0x9932cc)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color darkred = Color::rgb(0x8b0000)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color darksalmon = Color::rgb(0xe9967a)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color darkseagreen = Color::rgb(0x8fbc8f)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color darkslateblue = Color::rgb(0x483d8b)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color darkslategray = Color::rgb(0x2f4f4f)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color darkslategrey = Color::rgb(0x2f4f4f)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color darkturquoise = Color::rgb(0x00ced1)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color darkviolet = Color::rgb(0x9400d3)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color deeppink = Color::rgb(0xff1493)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color deepskyblue = Color::rgb(0x00bfff)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color dimgray = Color::rgb(0x696969)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color dimgrey = Color::rgb(0x696969)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color dodgerblue = Color::rgb(0x1e90ff)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color firebrick = Color::rgb(0xb22222)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color floralwhite = Color::rgb(0xfffaf0)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color forestgreen = Color::rgb(0x228b22)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color fuchsia = Color::rgb(0xff00ff)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color gainsboro = Color::rgb(0xdcdcdc)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color ghostwhite = Color::rgb(0xf8f8ff)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color gold = Color::rgb(0xffd700)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color goldenrod = Color::rgb(0xdaa520)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color gray = Color::rgb(0x808080)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color green = Color::rgb(0x008000)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color greenyellow = Color::rgb(0xadff2f)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color grey = Color::rgb(0x808080)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color honeydew = Color::rgb(0xf0fff0)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color hotpink = Color::rgb(0xff69b4)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color indianred = Color::rgb(0xcd5c5c)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color indigo = Color::rgb(0x4b0082)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color ivory = Color::rgb(0xfffff0)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color khaki = Color::rgb(0xf0e68c)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color lavender = Color::rgb(0xe6e6fa)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color lavenderblush = Color::rgb(0xfff0f5)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color lawngreen = Color::rgb(0x7cfc00)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color lemonchiffon = Color::rgb(0xfffacd)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color lightblue = Color::rgb(0xadd8e6)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color lightcoral = Color::rgb(0xf08080)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color lightcyan = Color::rgb(0xe0ffff)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color lightgoldenrodyellow = Color::rgb(0xfafad2)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color lightgray = Color::rgb(0xd3d3d3)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color lightgreen = Color::rgb(0x90ee90)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color lightgrey = Color::rgb(0xd3d3d3)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color lightpink = Color::rgb(0xffb6c1)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color lightsalmon = Color::rgb(0xffa07a)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color lightseagreen = Color::rgb(0x20b2aa)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color lightskyblue = Color::rgb(0x87cefa)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color lightslategray = Color::rgb(0x778899)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color lightslategrey = Color::rgb(0x778899)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color lightsteelblue = Color::rgb(0xb0c4de)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color lightyellow = Color::rgb(0xffffe0)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color lime = Color::rgb(0x00ff00)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color limegreen = Color::rgb(0x32cd32)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color linen = Color::rgb(0xfaf0e6)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color magenta = Color::rgb(0xff00ff)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color maroon = Color::rgb(0x800000)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color mediumaquamarine = Color::rgb(0x66cdaa)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color mediumblue = Color::rgb(0x0000cd)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color mediumorchid = Color::rgb(0xba55d3)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color mediumpurple = Color::rgb(0x9370db)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color mediumseagreen = Color::rgb(0x3cb371)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color mediumslateblue = Color::rgb(0x7b68ee)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color mediumspringgreen = Color::rgb(0x00fa9a)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color mediumturquoise = Color::rgb(0x48d1cc)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color mediumvioletred = Color::rgb(0xc71585)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color midnightblue = Color::rgb(0x191970)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color mintcream = Color::rgb(0xf5fffa)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color mistyrose = Color::rgb(0xffe4e1)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color moccasin = Color::rgb(0xffe4b5)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color navajowhite = Color::rgb(0xffdead)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color navy = Color::rgb(0x000080)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color oldlace = Color::rgb(0xfdf5e6)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color olive = Color::rgb(0x808000)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color olivedrab = Color::rgb(0x6b8e23)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color orange = Color::rgb(0xffa500)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color orangered = Color::rgb(0xff4500)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color orchid = Color::rgb(0xda70d6)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color palegoldenrod = Color::rgb(0xeee8aa)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color palegreen = Color::rgb(0x98fb98)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color paleturquoise = Color::rgb(0xafeeee)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color palevioletred = Color::rgb(0xdb7093)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color papayawhip = Color::rgb(0xffefd5)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color peachpuff = Color::rgb(0xffdab9)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color peru = Color::rgb(0xcd853f)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color pink = Color::rgb(0xffc0cb)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color plum = Color::rgb(0xdda0dd)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color powderblue = Color::rgb(0xb0e0e6)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color purple = Color::rgb(0x800080)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color red = Color::rgb(0xff0000)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color rosybrown = Color::rgb(0xbc8f8f)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color royalblue = Color::rgb(0x4169e1)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color saddlebrown = Color::rgb(0x8b4513)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color salmon = Color::rgb(0xfa8072)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color sandybrown = Color::rgb(0xf4a460)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color seagreen = Color::rgb(0x2e8b57)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color seashell = Color::rgb(0xfff5ee)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color sienna = Color::rgb(0xa0522d)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color silver = Color::rgb(0xc0c0c0)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color skyblue = Color::rgb(0x87ceeb)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color slateblue = Color::rgb(0x6a5acd)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color slategray = Color::rgb(0x708090)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color slategrey = Color::rgb(0x708090)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color snow = Color::rgb(0xfffafa)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color springgreen = Color::rgb(0x00ff7f)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color steelblue = Color::rgb(0x4682b4)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color tan = Color::rgb(0xd2b48c)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color teal = Color::rgb(0x008080)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color thistle = Color::rgb(0xd8bfd8)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color tomato = Color::rgb(0xff6347)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color turquoise = Color::rgb(0x40e0d0)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color violet = Color::rgb(0xee82ee)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color wheat = Color::rgb(0xf5deb3)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color white = Color::rgb(0xffffff)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color whitesmoke = Color::rgb(0xf5f5f5)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color yellow = Color::rgb(0xffff00)
 Predefined color. More...
constexpr static Color yellowgreen = Color::rgb(0x9acd32)
 Predefined color. More...

Protected Attributes

PatternArray m_colors {}
 Patterns in the palette. More...

Detailed Description

Color palette that contains a 2 dimensional array of colors.

The Palette defines a bank of colors, or complex patterns, used by the Theme, and ultimately widgets.

The palette manages a 2 dimensional array. The first dimension is the ColorId. The second dimension is the GroupId, which supports the capability for a ColorId to change based on the state of a Widget.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ PatternArray

using PatternArray = FixedVector<std::pair<GroupId, FixedVector<std::pair<ColorId, Pattern>, 10> >, 4>

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ColorId

enum ColorId

The Pattern identifier in the Palette.

See also

General (Window, Frame) background color.


Control (TextBox) text color.


TextBox highlight color.


TextBox cursor color.


Border color.


Button background color.


Button foreground color.


Button text color.


Label background color.


Label text color.

◆ GroupId

enum GroupId

Used to define a category of patterns that usually relate to the state of a widget.

This allows the Palette to contain patterns like a background color, that can be different based on the state of the widget.

See also

Default color group associated with a normal Widget state.


Color group usually associated with the Widget::Flag::active flag.


Color group usually associated with the Widget::Flag::disabled flag.


Checked state associated with buttons.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Palette() [1/2]

Palette ( )

◆ Palette() [2/2]

constexpr Palette ( std::initializer_list< PatternArray::value_type colors)

Member Function Documentation

◆ clear() [1/2]

void clear ( )

Remove all colors from the Palette.

◆ clear() [2/2]

void clear ( ColorId  id,
GroupId  group = GroupId::normal 

Remove a color from the Palette.

idColor id.
groupColor group.

◆ color()

EGT_NODISCARD const Pattern& color ( ColorId  id,
GroupId  group = GroupId::normal 
) const

Get a color.

idColor id.
groupColor group.
The color or pattern.

◆ deserialize()

void deserialize ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  value,
const Serializer::Attributes attrs 


◆ empty()

EGT_NODISCARD bool empty ( ) const

Returns true if the palette is empty.

◆ exists() [1/2]

EGT_NODISCARD bool exists ( ColorId  id,
GroupId  group,
const Pattern **  color 
) const

Check if a color exists in the palette and get the color.

idColor id.
groupColor group.
colorThe color if found.
True if exists.

◆ exists() [2/2]

EGT_NODISCARD bool exists ( ColorId  id,
GroupId  group = GroupId::normal 
) const

Check if a color exists in the palette.

idColor id.
groupColor group.
True if exists.

◆ operator=()

Palette& operator= ( const PatternArray colors)

◆ serialize()

void serialize ( const std::string &  name,
Serializer serializer 
) const

Serialize to the specified serializer.

◆ set() [1/2]

void set ( ColorId  id,
const Pattern color,
GroupId  group = GroupId::normal 

Set a color in a Palette.

idColor id.
colorThe color or pattern.
groupColor group.
Reference to the Palette instance.

◆ set() [2/2]

void set ( ColorId  id,
GroupId  group,
const Pattern color 

Set a color in the Palette.

idColor id.
groupColor group.
colorThe color or pattern.
Reference to the Palette instance.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_colors

PatternArray m_colors {}

Patterns in the palette.