Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567]
 CAnimationBaseBase class for an animation
 CApplicationApplication definition
 CApplicationApplication definition
 CArcType< Dim >An Arc consists of a radius and two angles
 CArcType< Dim >An Arc consists of a radius and two angles
 CPainter::AutoGroupYou are encouraged to use this instead of manually calling Painter::push_group() and Painter::pop_group()
 CPainter::AutoSaveRestoreScoped save() and restore() for a Painter
 CBitFields< T >
 CBitFields< T >
 CBitFields< AlignFlag >
 CButtonGroupButton group
 CButtonGroupButton group
 CObject::CallbackMetaManages metadata about a registered callback
 CCanvasManages a unique drawing surface and context
 CCanvasManages a unique drawing surface and context
 CColor32 bit RGBA color
 CColor32 bit RGBA color
 CColorMapA ColorMap contains a series of sequential color steps that can be used for generating colors by interpolation
 CCopyOnWriteAllocate< T >Copy-On-Write wrapper for an object or container
 CCopyOnWriteAllocate< CallbackArray >
 CCPUMonitorUsageMonitor CPU usage of the system
 CDrawable< T >Drawable function object
 CDrawable< T >Drawable function object
 CDrawer< T >Manager of the Drawable for each widget type
 CDrawer< T >Manager of the Drawable for each widget type
 CDrawerResetKeeps track of what's been changed with Drawer::draw() changes
 CDrawerResetKeeps track of what's been changed with Drawer::draw() changes
 Ceasing_cubic_bezierCubic Bezier equation easing function
 Ceasing_cubic_bezierCubic Bezier equation easing function
 CEllipseType< Dim >A basic ellipse with a center and 2 radii
 CEllipseType< Dim >A basic ellipse with a center and 2 radii
 CEnumStrings< T >When using enum_to_string() and enum_from_string(), this type needs to be defined and specialized to include the data for enum string conversions
 CEventArgBase event argument class
 CEventArgBase event argument class
 CEventLoopEvent loop interface
 CEventLoopEvent loop interface
 CFixedVector< T, Capacity >Constexpr vector that tries to behave like, or have an API like, std::vector
 CFixedVector< T, Capacity >Constexpr vector that tries to behave like, or have an API like, std::vector
 CFixedVector< std::pair< GroupId, FixedVector< std::pair< ColorId, Pattern >, 10 > >, 4 >
 CFlagsBase< T >Utility class for managing a set of flags
 CFlagsBase< T >Utility class for managing a set of flags
 CFlagsBase< BorderFlag >
 CFlagsBase< EventId >
 CFlagsBase< FillFlag >
 CFontManages a font and properties of a font
 CFontManages a font and properties of a font
 CFramesPerSecondCalculate "frame-per-second" of something
 CHttpClientRequestAn HTTP client request
 CImageRaster image resource used for drawing or displaying
 CImageRaster image resource used for drawing or displaying
 CImageCacheInternal image cache
 CInputBase Input device class
 CInputBase Input device class
 CKeyKeyboard event data
 CKeyKeyboard event data
 CVirtualKeyboard::KeyKey widget for the Keyboard widget
 CLayoutRectWrapper around properties for managing a rect by flex_layout()
 CLineType< Dim >A line, with a starting and ending point
 CLineType< Dim >A line, with a starting and ending point
 CLuaApplicationApplication instance that provides support for running LUA, including a LUA REPL
 CMouseGestureBasic class for interpreting mouse events
 CNonCopyable< T >Utility base class to make a derived class non-copy-able
 CObjectBase object class with fundamental properties
 CObjectBase object class with fundamental properties
 CPainterDrawing interface for 2D graphics
 CPainterDrawing interface for 2D graphics
 CPaletteColor palette that contains a 2 dimensional array of colors
 CPaletteColor palette that contains a 2 dimensional array of colors
 CPatternA Pattern which can store one or more colors at different offsets (steps) which can be used to create complex gradients
 CPatternA Pattern which can store one or more colors at different offsets (steps) which can be used to create complex gradients
 CPointerPointer event data
 CPointerPointer event data
 CPointType< Dim, DimCompat >Simple x,y coordinate
 CPointType< Dim, DimCompat >Simple x,y coordinate
 CPointType< DefaultDim, detail::Compatible::display >
 CPointType< DefaultDim, detail::Compatible::normal >
 CPointType< DefaultDim, DimCompat >
 CPointType< Dim, detail::Compatible::normal >
 CPointType< float, detail::Compatible::normal >
 CRange< T >Utility class to allow range loops from a subset of a container
 CRange< SubordinatesArray >
 CRatio< T >Creates and stores a simple ratio value
 CRatio< T >Creates and stores a simple ratio value
 CRectType< Dim, DimCompat >A rectangle with a point and a size
 CRectType< Dim, DimCompat >A rectangle with a point and a size
 CRectType< DefaultDim, detail::Compatible::normal >
 CResourceManagerManages EGT resource data blobs
 CResourceManagerManages EGT resource data blobs
 CReverseRange< T >Range class to work with C++11 range based for loops in a reverse order
 CScopeExit< T >Utility to run a callback when this object goes out of scope
 CScreenManages one of more buffers that make up a Screen
 CScreenManages one of more buffers that make up a Screen
 CSerializerAbstract base serializer class
 CSerializerAbstract base serializer class
 CSignal< Args >Signal class used for defining a signal and dispatching events
 CSignal< Args >Signal class used for defining a signal and dispatching events
 CSignal< Args... >
 CSignal< size_t >
 CSignalW< Args >
 CSignalW< Args >
 CSignalW< const std::string & >
 CSignalW< int64_t >
 CSizeType< Dim, DimCompat >Simple width and height
 CSizeType< Dim, DimCompat >Simple width and height
 CSizeType< DefaultDim, detail::Compatible::normal >
 CSizeType< DefaultDim, DimCompat >
 CSizeType< Dim, detail::Compatible::normal >
 CSizeType< float, detail::Compatible::normal >
 CSizeType< size_t, detail::Compatible::grid >
 CSliderBaseBase class for SliderType
 CSliderBaseBase class for SliderType
 CSoundSimple class to manage playing raw or WAV PCM sound files
 CSvgImageAn SVG image
 CSvgImageAn SVG image
 CThemeCustomizable characteristics for drawing widgets
 CThemeCustomizable characteristics for drawing widgets
 CTimerBasic one shot timer
 CTimerBasic one shot timer
 CUiLoaderParses and loads a UI XML file
 CUriA URI (Universal Resource Identifier) parser/builder that aims to be RFC 3986 compliant
 CUriA URI (Universal Resource Identifier) parser/builder that aims to be RFC 3986 compliant