| Form (const std::string &title={}) noexcept |
| Form (Frame &parent, const std::string &title={}) noexcept |
| Form (Serializer::Properties &props) noexcept |
void | add_group (const std::string &caption) |
| Add a group to the Form.
template<class T > |
void | add_option (const std::shared_ptr< T > &widget) |
| Add an option to the Form without a name.
void | add_option (const std::shared_ptr< Widget > &widget) |
| Add an option to the Form without a name.
template<class T > |
void | add_option (const std::string &name, const std::shared_ptr< T > &widget) |
| Add an option to the form with a name.
void | add_option (const std::string &name, const std::shared_ptr< Widget > &widget) |
| Add an option to the form with a name.
void | group_align (const AlignFlags &align) |
| Set group name text alignment.
void | name_align (const AlignFlags &align) |
| Set default option name text alignment.
void | remove_options () |
| Remove all options from the Form.
| Frame (const Frame &)=delete |
| Frame (const Rect &rect={}, const Flags &flags={}) noexcept |
| Frame (Frame &&) noexcept=default |
| Frame (Frame &parent, const Rect &rect, const Flags &flags={}) noexcept |
| Frame (Serializer::Properties &props) noexcept |
| ~Frame () noexcept override |
template<class T > |
void | add (const std::shared_ptr< T > &widget) |
| Utility wrapper around add()
virtual void | add (const std::shared_ptr< Widget > &widget) |
| Add a child widget.
void | add (Widget &widget) |
| Add a child widget.
EGT_NODISCARD std::shared_ptr< Widget > | child_at (size_t index) const |
| Get a child widget at a specific index.
EGT_NODISCARD detail::Range< SubordinatesArray > & | children () |
| Return the array of child widgets.
EGT_NODISCARD const detail::Range< SubordinatesArray > & | children () const |
| Return the array of child widgets.
EGT_NODISCARD size_t | count_children () const |
| Get the number of children widgets.
void | deserialize_children (const Deserializer &deserializer) override |
| Deserialize the children of this widget.
template<class T > |
std::shared_ptr< T > | find_child (const std::string &name) |
| Find a child Widget in the entire tree by name.
Widget * | hit_test (const DisplayPoint &point) |
| Get the widget under the given DisplayPoint.
bool | is_child (Widget *widget) const |
| Returns true if the child exists.
void | on_screen_resized () override |
| Overridden to be called recursively on all children.
Frame & | operator= (const Frame &)=delete |
Frame & | operator= (Frame &&) noexcept=default |
void | paint_children_to_file () |
| Paint individual children to file.
void | paint_to_file (const std::string &filename={}) override |
| Save the entire frame surface to a file.
virtual void | remove (Widget *widget) |
| Remove a child widget.
void | remove_all () |
| Remove all child widgets.
void | serialize (Serializer &serializer) const override |
| Serialize the widget to the specified serializer.
void | serialize_children (Serializer &serializer) const override |
| Serialize the widget's children to the specified serializer.
void | show () override |
| Show the Widget.
template<typename T , typename... Args> |
std::shared_ptr< T > | spawn (Args &&... args) |
| Create a child widget of the specified type.
EGT_NODISCARD ChildDrawCallback | special_child_draw_callback () const |
| Get the special child draw callback.
void | special_child_draw_callback (ChildDrawCallback func) |
| Set the special child draw callback.
EGT_NODISCARD ChildDrawCallback | special_child_draw_callback (Widget *parent) const |
| Get the child draw callback of the parent.
virtual EGT_NODISCARD Point | to_child (const Point &p) const |
EGT_NODISCARD Rect | to_child (Rect rect) const |
EGT_NODISCARD bool | top_level () const override |
| Return true if this is a top level frame, with no parent.
void | walk (const WalkCallback &callback, int level=0) override |
| Walk the Widget tree and call callback with each Widget.
virtual EGT_NODISCARD size_t | zorder () const |
| Get the zorder of the widget.
size_t | zorder (const Widget *widget) const |
| Get the zorder of the widget.
void | zorder (const Widget *widget, size_t rank) |
| Set the zorder of the widget.
virtual void | zorder (size_t rank) |
| Set the zorder of the widget.
virtual void | zorder_bottom () |
| Move the widget to the bottom.
void | zorder_bottom (const Widget *widget) |
| Move the specified widget zorder to the bottom of the current list of widgets with the same parent.
virtual void | zorder_down () |
| Move this widgets zorder down relative to other widgets with the same parent.
void | zorder_down (const Widget *widget) |
| Move the specified widget zorder down relative to other widgets with the same parent.
virtual void | zorder_top () |
| Move the widget to the top.
void | zorder_top (const Widget *widget) |
| Move the specified widget zorder to the top of the current list of widgets with the same parent.
virtual void | zorder_up () |
| Move this widgets zorder up relative to other widgets with the same parent.
void | zorder_up (const Widget *widget) |
| Move the specified widget zorder up relative to other widgets with the same parent.
| Widget (const Rect &rect={}, const Widget::Flags &flags={}) noexcept |
| Widget (const Widget &)=delete |
| Widget (Frame &parent, const Rect &rect={}, const Widget::Flags &flags={}) noexcept |
| Widget (Serializer::Properties &props) noexcept |
| Widget (Widget &&) noexcept=default |
| ~Widget () noexcept override |
EGT_NODISCARD bool | active () const |
| Get the active state.
void | active (bool value) |
| Set the active state.
AlignFlags & | align () |
| Get the alignment.
EGT_NODISCARD const AlignFlags & | align () const |
| Get the alignment.
void | align (const AlignFlags &a) |
| Align the widget.
EGT_NODISCARD float | alpha () const |
| Get the alpha property.
void | alpha (float alpha) |
| Set the alpha property.
EGT_NODISCARD bool | autoresize () const |
| Return the autoresize state of the widget.
void | autoresize (bool value) |
| Set the autoresize state.
EGT_NODISCARD Image * | background (bool allow_fallback=false) const |
| Get the background image, if any, for the current group.
void | background (const Image &image, Palette::GroupId group=Palette::GroupId::normal) |
| Add an image background to the widget's box.
EGT_NODISCARD Image * | background (Palette::GroupId group, bool allow_fallback=false) const |
| Get the background image, if any, for the given group.
EGT_NODISCARD DefaultDim | border () const |
| Get the border width.
void | border (DefaultDim border) |
| Set the border width.
EGT_NODISCARD Theme::BorderFlags | border_flags () const |
| Get the border flags.
void | border_flags (const Theme::BorderFlags &flags) |
| Set the border flags.
EGT_NODISCARD float | border_radius () const |
| Get the border radius.
void | border_radius (float radius) |
| Set the border radius.
EGT_NODISCARD const Rect & | box () const |
| Bounding box for the Widget.
void | box (const Rect &rect) |
| Change the bounding box of the widget.
bool | can_handle_event () const |
| Returns true if the widget is capable of handling an event.
EGT_NODISCARD Point | center () const |
| Get the center point of the widget's box().
EGT_NODISCARD bool | checked () const |
| Get the boolean checked state of the a widget.
virtual void | checked (bool value) |
| Set the checked state of the widget.
EGT_NODISCARD bool | clip () const |
| Return the clip state of the widget.
EGT_NODISCARD const Pattern & | color (Palette::ColorId id) const |
| Get a Widget color.
void | color (Palette::ColorId id, const Pattern &color, Palette::GroupId group=Palette::GroupId::normal) |
| Add a color to the widget's instance palette.
EGT_NODISCARD const Pattern & | color (Palette::ColorId id, Palette::GroupId group) const |
| Get a Widget color.
virtual EGT_NODISCARD Rect | content_area () const |
| Return the area that content is allowed to be positioned into.
void | continue_drag (Event &event) |
| Handle 'pointer_drag' and 'pointer_drag_stop' events.
virtual void | damage () |
| Damage the box() of the widget and cause a redraw.
virtual void | damage (const Rect &rect) |
| Mark the specified rect as a damaged area of the widget.
void | detach () |
| Detach this widget from its parent.
void | disable () |
| Set the disabled state to true.
void | disable_toggle () |
| Toggle the disabled state.
EGT_NODISCARD bool | disabled () const |
| Return the disabled state of the widget.
void | disabled (bool value) |
| Set the disabled state.
DisplayPoint | display_origin () |
| Get the display origin of the Widget.
virtual Point | display_to_local (const DisplayPoint &p) const |
| Convert a display point to a local point.
virtual void | draw (Painter &painter, const Rect &rect) |
| Draw the widget.
void | draw_box (Painter &painter, Palette::ColorId bg, Palette::ColorId border) const |
| Helper function to draw this widget's box using the appropriate theme.
void | draw_circle (Painter &painter, Palette::ColorId bg, Palette::ColorId border) const |
| Helper function to draw this widget's circle using the appropriate theme.
void | enable () |
| Set the disabled state to false.
Theme::FillFlags & | fill_flags () |
| Get a modifiable fill flags reference.
EGT_NODISCARD const Theme::FillFlags & | fill_flags () const |
| Get the fill flags.
void | fill_flags (const Theme::FillFlags &flags) |
| Set the fill flags.
EGT_NODISCARD bool | focus () const |
| Get the current focus state.
void | focus (bool value) |
| Set the focus state.
EGT_NODISCARD const Font & | font () const |
| Get the widget Font.
void | font (const Font &font) |
| Set the widget Font.
EGT_NODISCARD bool | frame () const |
| Return the frame state of the widget.
EGT_NODISCARD bool | grab_mouse () const |
| Return the grab_mouse state of the widget.
void | grab_mouse (bool value) |
| Set the grab_mouse state.
EGT_NODISCARD Palette::GroupId | group () const |
| Get the current Palette::GroupId depending on the widget's state.
virtual void | handle (Event &event) |
| Handle an event.
bool | has_font () const |
| Check whether the widget has a custom Font.
EGT_NODISCARD bool | has_palette () const |
| Check whether the widget has a custom palette.
virtual EGT_NODISCARD bool | has_screen () const |
| Does this Widget have a screen?
EGT_NODISCARD DefaultDim | height () const |
| Height of the widget's box().
void | height (DefaultDim h) |
| Change the height.
virtual void | hide () |
| Hide the Widget.
EGT_NODISCARD bool | hit (const DisplayPoint &point) const |
| Returns true if the DisplayPoint is within the widget box.
EGT_NODISCARD DefaultDim | horizontal_ratio () const |
| Get the horizontal ratio relative to parent.
void | horizontal_ratio (DefaultDim horizontal) |
| Set the horizontal ratio relative to parent.
EGT_NODISCARD bool | in_layout () const |
| Indicate if the Widget is computing the layout or not.
virtual void | layout () |
| Perform layout of the Widget.
DisplayPoint | local_to_display (const Point &p) const |
| Convert a local point to a display point.
EGT_NODISCARD DefaultDim | margin () const |
| Get the margin width.
void | margin (DefaultDim margin) |
| Set the margin width.
virtual EGT_NODISCARD Size | min_size_hint () const |
| Get a minimum size hint for the Widget.
void | min_size_hint (const Size &size) |
| Set the minimum size hint for the Widget.
EGT_NODISCARD size_t | moat () const |
| Get the sum of the margin(), padding(), and border() around the content of the widget.
virtual void | move (const Point &point) |
| Move the Widget to a new position.
void | move_to_center () |
| Move the widget to the center of its parent.
void | move_to_center (const Point &point) |
| Move the widget to the specified center point.
EGT_NODISCARD bool | no_layout () const |
| Return the no_layout state of the widget.
void | no_layout (bool value) |
| Set the no_layout state.
Widget & | operator= (const Widget &)=delete |
Widget & | operator= (Widget &&) noexcept=default |
EGT_NODISCARD DefaultDim | padding () const |
| Return the padding width.
void | padding (DefaultDim padding) |
| Set the padding width.
virtual void | paint (Painter &painter) |
| Paint the Widget using a Painter.
EGT_NODISCARD const Palette & | palette () const |
| Get the widget palette.
void | palette (const Palette &palette) |
| Set the widget instance Palette.
Widget * | parent () |
| Get a pointer to the parent Widget, or nullptr if none exists.
EGT_NODISCARD const Widget * | parent () const |
| Get a pointer to the parent Widget, or nullptr if none exists.
EGT_NODISCARD bool | plane_window () const |
| Return the plane_window state of the widget.
EGT_NODISCARD const Point & | point () const |
| Get the origin of the widget's box().
virtual void | post_deserialize (Serializer::Properties &props) |
| Resume deserializing of the widget after its children have been deserialized.
void | ratio (DefaultDim horizontal, DefaultDim vertical) |
| Set the size ratio relative to parent.
void | ratio (DefaultDim ratio) |
| Set the size ratio relative to parent.
EGT_NODISCARD bool | readonly () const |
| Get the readonly state of the widget.
void | readonly (bool value) |
| Set the readonly state of the widget.
void | readonly_toggle () |
| Toggle the readonly state.
void | reset_background (Palette::GroupId group=Palette::GroupId::normal) |
| Remove an image background from the widget's box.
void | reset_font () |
| Reset the widget's Font.
void | reset_palette () |
| Clear the widget instance palette.
virtual void | resize (const Size &size) |
| Resize the widget.
void | resize_by_ratio (DefaultDim hratio, DefaultDim vratio) |
| Scale the current size of the Widget given the ratio.
void | resize_by_ratio (DefaultDim ratio) |
| Scale the current size of the Widget given the ratio.
virtual void | scale (float hscale, float vscale) |
| Set the scale of the widget.
void | scale (float scale) |
| Set the scale of the widget.
virtual EGT_NODISCARD Screen * | screen () const |
| Get a pointer to the Screen instance, using using a parent as necessary.
EGT_NODISCARD const Size & | size () const |
| Get the size of the widget's box().
EGT_NODISCARD const Theme & | theme () const |
| Get the Widget Theme.
EGT_NODISCARD Point | to_parent (const Point &r) const |
| Convert a point with a local origin to a parent origin.
EGT_NODISCARD Rect | to_parent (const Rect &r) const |
| Convert a point in a rect a local origin to a parent origin.
virtual EGT_NODISCARD std::string | type () const |
| Returns a string representation of the type of this widget.
EGT_NODISCARD bool | user_drag () const |
void | user_drag (bool value) |
EGT_NODISCARD const Rect & | user_requested_box () const |
| Get the box corresponding to the user requested one, not the actual one.
EGT_NODISCARD bool | user_track_drag () const |
void | user_track_drag (bool value) |
EGT_NODISCARD DefaultDim | vertical_ratio () const |
| Get the vertical ratio relative to parent.
void | vertical_ratio (DefaultDim vertical) |
| Set the vertical ratio relative to parent.
EGT_NODISCARD bool | visible () const |
| Get the visible state of the widget.
void | visible (bool value) |
| Set the visible state.
void | visible_toggle () |
| Toggle the visibility state.
EGT_NODISCARD WidgetId | widgetid () const |
| Get the unique id of the widget.
EGT_NODISCARD DefaultDim | width () const |
| Width of the widget's box().
void | width (DefaultDim w) |
| Change the width.
EGT_NODISCARD DefaultDim | x () const |
| X coordinate of the widget's box().
void | x (DefaultDim x) |
| Set the X coordinate of the box.
EGT_NODISCARD DefaultDim | xratio () const |
| Get the X position ratio relative to parent.
void | xratio (DefaultDim xratio) |
| Set the X position ratio relative to parent.
EGT_NODISCARD DefaultDim | y () const |
| Y coordinate of the widget's box().
void | y (DefaultDim y) |
| Set the Y coordinate of the box.
EGT_NODISCARD DefaultDim | yratio () const |
| Get the Y position ratio relative to parent.
void | yratio (DefaultDim yratio) |
| Set the Y position ratio relative to parent.
| Object () noexcept=default |
| Object (const Object &)=delete |
| Object (Object &&)=default |
virtual | ~Object () noexcept=default |
void | clear_handlers () |
| Clear all registered event handlers.
void | invoke_handlers (Event &event) |
| Invoke all handlers with the specified event.
void | invoke_handlers (EventId event) |
| Invoke all handlers with the specified EventId.
EGT_NODISCARD const std::string & | name () const |
| Get the name of the Object.
void | name (const std::string &name) |
| Set the name of the Object.
RegisterHandle | on_event (const EventCallback &handler, const FilterFlags &mask={}) |
| Add an event handler to be called when the widget generates an event.
Object & | operator= (const Object &)=delete |
Object & | operator= (Object &&)=default |
void | remove_handler (RegisterHandle handle) |
| Remove an event handler.