| animation.h |
| Working with animations.
| app.h |
| Working with app.
| audio.h |
| Working with audio.
| bitfields.h |
| bit-fields.
| button.h |
| Working with buttons.
| buttongroup.h |
| Working with button groups.
| camera.h |
| Camera window support.
| canvas.h |
| Canvas definition.
| capture.h |
| Camera capture support.
| chart.h |
| Working with charts.
| checkbox.h |
| Working with check boxes.
| color.h |
| Working with colors.
| combo.h |
| ComboBox definition.
| dialog.h |
| easing.h |
| Animation easing functions.
| embed.h |
| Working with embedded files.
| event.h |
| Event types.
| eventloop.h |
| Working with the event loop.
| filedialog.h |
| Working with file dialog pop-ups.
| fixedvector.h |
| FixedVector implementation.
| flags.h |
| Flags handling.
| flagsbase.h |
| Flags handling.
| font.h |
| Working with fonts.
| form.h |
| Working with forms.
| frame.h |
| Working with frames.
| gauge.h |
| Working with gauges.
| geometry.h |
| Working with geometry.
| grid.h |
| Working with grids.
| image.h |
| Working with images.
| imagegroup.h |
| Gather images, one per Palette::GroupId.
| imageholder.h |
| Helper class for widgets holding an image.
| input.h |
| Working with input devices.
| keycode.h |
| Key codes.
| label.h |
| Working with labels.
| list.h |
| ListBox definition.
| luaapp.h |
| Working with LUA app.
| notebook.h |
| Working with notebooks.
| object.h |
| Base object definition.
| painter.h |
| Painter interface.
| palette.h |
| Color Palette definition.
| pattern.h |
| Working with patterns.
| popup.h |
| progressbar.h |
| Working with progress meters.
| radial.h |
| Radial widget.
| radiobox.h |
| Working with radio boxes.
| resource.h |
| Working with resources.
| respath.h |
| Working with resource paths.
| screen.h |
| Working with screens.
| script.h |
| Working with scripts.
| scrollwheel.h |
| Scrollwheel definition.
| serialize.h |
| Serialize support for widgets.
| shapes.h |
| Working with shape widgets.
| sideboard.h |
| Sideboard widget.
| signal.h |
| Signal definition.
| sizer.h |
| Working with sizers.
| slider.h |
| Working with sliders.
| sound.h |
| Working with sound.
| sprite.h |
| Working with sprites.
| string.h |
| StringItem definition.
| svgdeserial.h |
| svgimage.h |
| Working with images.
| text.h |
| Working with text input.
| textwidget.h |
| Base class TextWidget definition.
| theme.h |
| Working with themes.
| timer.h |
| Timers.
| tools.h |
| Collection of various tools.
| types.h |
| Common types.
| uiloader.h |
| UI XML loader.
| uri.h |
| Working with URIs.
| utils.h |
| Working with basic utilities.
| value.h |
| valuewidget.h |
| Widgets for managing values.
| version.h |
| video.h |
| Working with video.
| view.h |
| View definition.
| virtualkeyboard.h |
| On-screen VirtualKeyboard.
| widget.h |
| Base class Widget definition.
| widgetflags.h |
| Widget flags.
| window.h |
| Working with windows.