RectType< Dim, DimCompat > Member List

This is the complete list of members for RectType< Dim, DimCompat >, including all inherited members.

area() const noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
bottom() const noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
bottom_left() const noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
bottom_right() const noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
center() const noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
clear() noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
contains(const RectType &rhs) const noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
DimType typedefRectType< Dim, DimCompat >
empty() const noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
grow_around_center(Dim radius) noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
height() const noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
height(Dim height) noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
intersect(const PointType< Dim, DimCompat > &point) const noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
intersect(const RectType &rect) const noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
intersection(const RectType &lhs, const RectType &rhs) noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inlinestatic
left() const noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
m_originRectType< Dim, DimCompat >protected
m_sizeRectType< Dim, DimCompat >protected
merge(const RectType &lhs, const RectType &rhs) noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inlinestatic
move_to_center(const PointType< Dim, DimCompat > &center) noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
operator+=(const SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > &rhs) noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
operator+=(const PointType< Dim, DimCompat > &rhs) noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
operator-=(const SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > &rhs) noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
operator-=(const PointType< Dim, DimCompat > &rhs) noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
point() const noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
point(const PointType< Dim, DimCompat > &p) noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
RectType() noexcept=defaultRectType< Dim, DimCompat >
RectType(const PointType< Dim > &point, const SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > &size) noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inlineexplicit
RectType(const SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > &size) noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
RectType(Dim x, Dim y, Dim width, Dim height) noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
RectType(const RectType< Dim2 > &r)RectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
right() const noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
shrink_around_center(Dim radius) noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
size() const noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
size(const SizeType< Dim, DimCompat > &size) noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
top() const noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
top_left() const noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
top_right() const noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
width() const noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
width(Dim width) noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
x() const noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
x(Dim x) noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
y() const noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline
y(Dim y) noexceptRectType< Dim, DimCompat >inline