Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- o -
- oldlace : Palette
- olive : Palette
- olivedrab : Palette
- on_button1_click : Dialog
- on_button2_click : Dialog
- on_change : BitFields< T >, Flags< T >
- on_checked_changed : Widget
- on_connect : CameraCapture, CameraWindow
- on_disconnect : CameraCapture, CameraWindow
- on_eos : AudioPlayer, VideoWindow
- on_error : AudioPlayer, CameraCapture, CameraWindow, VideoWindow
- on_gain_focus : Widget
- on_hide : Widget
- on_items_changed : ListBox
- on_lost_focus : Widget
- on_position_changed : AudioPlayer, VideoWindow
- on_selected : FileDialog, ListBox
- on_selected_changed : ComboBox, ListBox, Notebook, SelectableGrid
- on_show : Widget
- on_state_changed : AudioPlayer, VideoWindow
- on_text_changed : TextWidget
- on_user_input_changed : RadialType< T >
- on_value_changed : NeedleLayer, RangeValue< T >, Scrollwheel, Value< T >, ValueRangeWidget< T >, ValueWidget< T >
- orange : Palette
- orangered : Palette
- orchid : Palette